The Buck Bomb
While hunting for many years, The Buck Bomb founders had used many scent products with varying degrees of success and lots of difficulties. They complained about the prices, mess, spoilage, and mostly the effectiveness (or lack thereof!) of many products. Was it best to use wicks? Drag lines? Cover scents? Was it better to trudge all over the vicinity of our stand to put out scent or was that detrimental to our success? This frustration and confusion set them on a mission to take the guesswork out of scent use and create a product that was extremely effective. Buck Bomb's main promise is that they will only use fresh ingredients and make sure that the scent has every chance to get to the animal. They contemplated using synthetic products because of spoilage, but every one they tested smelled like plastic or other strong, unnatural odors. What Buck Bomb has produced is an incredibly effective line of products that are cost-effective, extremely easy to use, and have a three-year shelf life. Buck Bomb will back their products 100% and welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement. "Real hunter feedback" is the most effective way Buck Bomb knows that will allow them to continue to produce innovative products to improve the hunting experience of their customers.
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